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    Fildena Super Active
    Fildena Super Active

    Fildena® Super Active (sildenafil citrate)

    $ 1.54 per pill -5% BUY
    Manufacturer: Fortune Health Care Ltd

    Fildena Super Active: Fildena® Super Active (Fortune Health Care Ltd)

    Fildena® Super Active (Sildenafil citrate) 100 mg

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    Fildena® Super Active is a generic Viagra. Each pill contains a standard dose of 100 mg of sildenafil. The highlight of this drug is that the active substance, encapsulated in soft capsules, is in the form of a gel. Are there any differences in the principle of action of capsules and tablets? Despite the fact that the goal for both these dosage forms is the same, the pharmacodynamics and, accordingly, the way of action on the body are slightly different. The tablet is designed for a slower and more smooth effect. Capsule, on the contrary, instantly dissolves and quickly gives effect. If you also want to speed up the effect of taking Sildenafil, we recommend that you get acquainted with the wonderful generic Viagra in capsules named Fildena® Super Active.
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